
suomi-englanti sanakirja

bonfire englannista suomeksi

  1. kokko, juhannuskokko

  1. Substantiivi

  2. kokko, rovio, nuotio

  3. rovio

  4. Verbi

bonfire englanniksi

  1. A large, controlled outdoor fire lit to celebrate something or as a signal.

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 4-1 Q1)

  4. (RQ:Speed Historie of Great Britaine)|page=681|para=50|passage=Theſe vvith the like diſtaſtures, diuulged among the rude multitude, it vvas a vvorld to ſee the face of this nevv VVorld, for in euery ſtreete Bonfires vvere made, in euery Church bels rung, Ditties vvere ſung at euery meeting, and euery man cryed K. ''Henry'', King ''Henry'', (..)

  5. (RQ:Boyle New Experiments)

  6. (RQ:Addison Works)

  7. (RQ:Macaulay History of England)

  8. A fire lit outdoors to burn unwanted items; originally , heretics or other offenders, or banned books; now, generally agricultural or garden waste, or rubbish.

  9. (RQ:Elyot Governour)

  10. (RQ:Shakespeare Macbeth)

  11. (RQ:Butler Hudibras)

  12. (RQ:Spectator)'s&93; sermon, and made a bonfire of them within sight of the pulpit.

  13. Something like a bonfire ''(sense 1 or 2)'' in heat, destructiveness, ferocity, etc.

  14. (RQ:Massinger Dekker Virgin Martyr)

  15. A fire lit to cremate a dead body; a funeral pyre.

  16. (RQ:Ovid Golding Metamorphosis)

  17. (RQ:Marlowe Tamburlaine)

  18. (RQ:Browne Hydriotaphia)'', in the dayes of ''Minucius'' it was obviouſly objected upon Chriſtians, that they condemned the practiſe of burning. (..) And perhaps not fully diſuſed till Chriſtianity fully eſtabliſhed, vvhich gave the finall extinction to theſe ſepulchrall Bonefires.

  19. To destroy (something) by, or as if by, burning on a bonfire; to burn or alight.

  20. (quote-journal) Bowyer Nichols|John Bowyer Nichols and Son,(nb...); and sold by John Harris,(nb...)|month=May|year=1828|year_published=2 June 1828|volume=XXI (New Series; volume XCVIII overall), 1st part|page=427|pageurl=|column=1|oclc=1009026381|passage=Like the Christmas joke of snapdragons for children, the very liquor was to be ''bonfired'' also, and drank burning.

  21. (quote-hansard)|house=(w), 41st States Congress|Congress, 2nd session|location=Washington, D.C.|publisher=Blair and Rives;(nb...)|date=20 June 1870|volume=LXIII, part V|page=4646|pageurl=|column=2|oclc=244827502|passage=Sir, there are as many public documents as you could put in this room that must be taken out and bonfired, that have cost millions, that must be burned up, unless this provision of the honorable Senator from Illinois is carried.

  22. (quote-book)

  23. (quote-journal) James Ellacutt Beale,(nb...)|date=20 July 1895|volume=XXIV|issue=3|page=67|pageurl=|column=3|oclc=41005881|passage=From one house they went to another, from that to another, until not one of the Christians' houses was left standing. Everything was deliberately taken outside and bonfired; where the house adjoined others it was destroyed, where it stood alone it was given over to the devouring element.

  24. (RQ:Joyce Finnegans Wake)

  25. To fire (pottery) using a bonfire.

  26. To start a bonfire in (a place); to up (a place) with a bonfire.

  27. (quote-book)|location=Philadelphia, Pa.|publisher=Lea|Lea and Blanchard|month=November 28 (Gregorian calendar)|year=1743|year_published=1842|volume=I (1735–1748)|page=349|pageurl=|oclc=1056254066|passage=They almost carried him king into the palace on their shoulders; and at night the whole town was illuminated and bonfired.

  28. To make, or celebrate around, a bonfire.

  29. (RQ:Thackeray Barry Lyndon)