bon mot

suomi-englanti sanakirja

bon mot englannista suomeksi

  1. sukkeluus

  1. Substantiivi

bon mot englanniksi

  1. A clever saying, phrase or witticism; ''often'', a witty riposte in dialogue.

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (quote-book)|chapter=LII|title=Remarks upon a Late Discourse of Free-thinking (w): In a Letter to N. N. ... Part the Second|edition=6th|location=Cambridge|publisher=Printed for Cornelius Crownfield, printer to the of Cambridge|University|year=1725|page=64|pageurl=|oclc=642625143|passage=But ſo it is: our Writer has met with a ''Bon Mot'' of this ''the Elder|Cato''’s; which, according to his ſhallow Underſtanding and ſilly Interpretation, he preſages ''will ever live as a noble'' Free-thinking ''Saying''.

  4. (RQ:Sterne Sentimental Journey)

  5. (quote-book); at the Weybridge Press, by S. Hamilton|year=1814|volume=I|page=xvi|pageurl=|oclc=2117868|passage=And if a few of these bon mots so selected be well known, they possess such acknowledged excellence, that the compiler would be justly censured, were he to deprive his readers of the pleasure of seeing them inserted in a work of this kind.

  6. (quote-journal),(nb...)|month=September|year=1858|volume=CXIV|issue=CCCCLIII|page=47|pageurl=|oclc=7961902|passage=M. de Pomponne conjures her not to let Mme. Cornuel's bons mots perish, but to keep a register of them. Saint-Simon describes Mme. Cornuel as a "vieille bourgeoise du Marais," who was "full of bons mots, but of bons mots that are apophthegms."

  7. (quote-book)'', the goading Lord Henry cannot seem to help himself from delivering bon mot after bon mot. Word-play and paradoxical summation was a compulsion for Wilde|Oscar Wilde.

  8. (quote-book)

  9. (l), witticism

  10. witticism

  11. (syn)

  12. (l)