boil down

suomi-englanti sanakirja

boil down englannista suomeksi

  1. kiehua vähiin

  2. laskea

  3. kiehuttaa vähiin

  1. Verbi

boil down englanniksi

  1. To reduce in volume by boiling.

  2. ''He boiled the soup down so it wouldn't be so weak.''

  3. To become reduced (to the most central elements or ingredients: to the essence, core{{, or implication for action).

  4. ''So what this boils down to is that you still owe me that fifty bucks.''

  5. {{quote-journal|en|date=11 October 2013|author=Daniel Taylor|journal=The Guardian|url=

  6. To reduce (to the most central elements or ingredients: to the essence, core{{, or implication for action).

  7. ''My dissertation is 342 pages long, and I'm required to boil it down to a one-page abstract?!''