
suomi-englanti sanakirja

blast englannista suomeksi

  1. arvostella ankarasti, mollata, haukkua, sättiä

  2. ryöpytys, arvostelu

  3. räjäyttää

  4. töräys, räjähdys, törähdys

  5. toitottaa, pauhata, raikua

  6. kunnon pirskeet, mahtava elämys

  7. tulittaa

  8. puhaltaa

  9. ryöpyttää, hajottaa, lennättää

  10. pitkä lyönti

  11. pilata, tuhota, turmella

  12. ampua

  13. ilmavirta, tuulenpuuska

  14. tykittää

  1. tuulenpuuska, puuska

  2. ilmavirta, puhahdus, puhallus

  3. räjähdys

  4. töräys, of a horn törähdys, pärähdys

  5. jyrähtää, räjähtää, törähtää horn

  6. räjäyttää

  7. painaa läpi

  8. kirota

  9. paahtaa

  10. laukaista

  11. soimata, sättiä, haukkua, mollata

  12. kuihduttaa

  13. pahus, kirottua

  14. alkeissolu, blasti

  15. Verbi

  16. Substantiivi

blast englanniksi

  1. (senseid)A violent gust of wind.

  2. (RQ:Thomson Spring)

  3. (quote-book)

  4. A forcible stream of gas or liquid from an orifice, for example from a bellows, the mouth, etc.

  5. A hit of a drug from a pipe.

  6. The continuous blowing to which one charge of ore or metal is subjected in a furnace.

  7. (ux)

  8. {{quote-text|en|year=1957|author=H.R. Schubert|title=History of the British Iron and Steel Industry|page=146

  9. The exhaust steam from an engine, driving a column of air out of a boiler chimney, and thus creating an intense draught through the fire; also, any draught produced by the blast.

  10. An explosion, especially for the purpose of destroying a mass of rock, etc.

  11. (quote-book)most of Edison's grounds soon became an inferno.  As though on an incendiary rampage, the fires systematically devoured the contents of Edison's headquarters and facilities.

  12. (quote-journal)

  13. A verbal attack or punishment; a severe criticism or reprimand.

  14. {{quote-book|en

  15. An explosive charge for blasting.

  16. 1852-1854, (w), ''(w)''

  17. Large blasts are often used.
  18. A loud, sudden sound.

  19. (RQ:Scott Lady of the Lake)

  20. {{quote-text|en|year=c. 1832|author=William Cullen Bryant|title=The Battle-Field

  21. (RQ:Twain Huckleberry Finn)

  22. A sudden, pernicious effect, as if by a noxious wind, especially on animals and plants; a blight.

  23. (RQ:King James Version)

  24. (RQ:Shakespeare Pericles)

  25. A good time; an enjoyable moment.

  26. A promotional message sent to an entire list.

  27. A flatulent disease of sheep.

  28. A period of full dosage of PEDs as opposed to a period of reduced intake.

  29. (cot)


  30. To make an impression on, by making a loud blast or din.

  31. (RQ:Shakespeare Antony and Cleopatra)

  32. To make a loud noise.

  33. To play (music) very loudly out of a speaker.

  34. (quote-newsgroup)

  35. To shatter, as if by an explosion.

  36. To open up a hole in, usually by means of a sudden and imprecise method (such as an explosion).

  37. To curse; to damn.

  38. To shoot, especially with an energy weapon (as opposed to one which fires projectiles).

  39. To shoot; kick the ball in hope of scoring a goal.

  40. To criticize or reprimand severely; to verbally discipline or punish.

  41. (syn)

  42. (quote-web)

  43. To bring destruction or ruin on; to destroy.

  44. (RQ:Haggard She)

  45. To blight or wither.

  46. To be blighted or withered.

  47. To blow, for example on a trumpet.

  48. To have a period of full dosage of PEDs as opposed to reducing them during a cruise period.

  49. (n-g): damn

  50. An immature or undifferentiated cell (e.g., lymphoblast, myeloblast).

  51. To run a nucleotide sequence (for acids) or an acid sequence (for proteins) through a BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool).

  52. {{quote-text|en|year=2004|author=Andreas Bommarius; Bettina Riebel-Bommarius|title=Biocatalysis: Fundamentals and Applications|page=425

  53. (verb form of)

  54. blast

  55. (l) (gloss)

  56. A (l); a sudden and forceful motion of wind.

  57. One's breathing or respiring; the act of respiration.

  58. The blast produced by a musical instrument.

  59. An emission or expulsion of fire or flames.

  60. The sound produced by thunder or storms.

  61. The making of a pronouncement or proclamation.

  62. One's spiritual essence; the soul.

  63. A striking or attack.

  64. Flatulence; the making of a fart.

  65. The stem and leaves of a vegetable, of which you're only supposed to eat the root. E.g. in potatoes or carrots.