
suomi-englanti sanakirja

bigamie englanniksi

  1. (obsolete spelling of)

  2. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) William Brome|year=1584|section=book XV (The Exposition of Iidoni,(nb...))|pages=459–460|pageurl=|oclc=309030709|passage=But now we may find in S. ''the Virgin|Margarets'' life, who it is that is Chriſtes wife: whereby we are ſo much wiſer than we were before. But looke in the life of ''S. of Alexandria|Katharine'', in the golden legend, and you ſhall find that he was alſo married to ''S. Katharine'', and that our ladie made the marriage, &c. An excellent authoritie for bigamie.

  3. (RQ:Shakespeare Richard 3 Q1)

  4. (quote-book)|edition=new|location=London|publisher=(...) Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers|Company of Stationers|year=1624|section=folio 45, recto and verso|sectionurl=|oclc=1164983777|passage=Bigamie was a counterplea (deuiſed at y&868; Councell of Lyons, vpon mislike of ſecond marriage) to be obiected, when the priſoner demaundeth the benefite of the Clergie, to wit, his Book, as namely to ſay, that he which demaundeth the priuiledge of the Clergie, was married to ſuch a woman at ſuch a place, within ſuch a Dioceſſe, and that ſhee is dead, and that hee hath married another woman within the ſame Dioceſſe, or within ſome other Dioceſſe, and ſo is Bigamus.

  5. (quote-book)|edition=7th|location=London|publisher=(...) Thomas Williams(nb...)|year=1661|page=592|pageurl=|oclc=863305676|passage=''Not to take a Wife to her Siſter'' Not to take one Wife to another, or not to have at once two Wives. This ſentence condemneth ''Bigamie'', and ''Polygamie'', having two or more Wives together, of Leviticus|Leviticus 18. 18. ''Neither ſhalt thou take a Wife to her Siſter to vex her.''

  6. (l)

  7. bigamy (the state of having two (legal or illegal) spouses simultaneously)

  8. (monikko) it|bigamia

  9. (inflection of)

  10. bigamy