
suomi-englanti sanakirja

bewilder englannista suomeksi

  1. hämmentää, saattaa ymmälle, häkellyttää

  1. Verbi

  2. eksyttää, hämmentää, harhauttaa, sekoittaa

bewilder englanniksi

  1. To confuse, disorientate, or puzzle someone, especially with many different choices.

  2. (synonyms)


  3. (quote-book)(nb...)|year=1703|page=8|pageurl=|oclc=40584794|passage=Thou, Kind Redeemer, toucht to ſee / So ſad a Sight, ſuch moving Miſery, / Didſt ſoon determine to diſpel / Theſe Shades of Death, and Gloom of Hell: / And ſo to reviſit with Thy Heav'nly Light / Loſt Man, bewilder'd in Infernal Night.

  4. (quote-book)|edition=2nd revised|location=London|publisher=Publish’d (...) by Joseph Carpenter; printed for Tonson|Jacob Tonson(nb...)|year=1717|section=part the fifth|page=269|pageurl=|oclc=777059353|passage=Such Works, in point of Precepts, are of the Number of thoſe that are call'd ſpecious, in which the Authors, whilſt they endeavour too exactly to explain what they have dogmatically advanc'd, loſe themſelves in imaginary Mazes, and bewilder themſelves more and more.

  5. (quote-journal); Irving (New York)|William Irving; (w)|title=Letter from Mustapha Rub-a-Dub Keli Khan, to Asem Hacchem, Principal Slave-driver to His Highness the Bashaw of Tripoli|magazine=(periodical)|Salmagundi; or, The Whim-whams and Opinions of Launcelot Langstaff, Esq. and Others ... First Series. In Two Volumes|edition=new corrected|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=(publisher)|Harper & Brothers(nb...)|date=15 October 1807|year_published=1835|volume=II|issue=XVI|page=157|pageurl=|oclc=191247659|passage=It is that fiend politics, Asem,—that baneful fiend, which bewildereth every brain, and poisons every social feeling; which intrudes itself at the festive banquet, and, like the detestable harpy, pollutes the very viands of the table; ...

  6. (quote-book)|year=1821|page=13|pageurl=|oclc=16768454|passage=Pause therefore, (smallcaps), and solemnly determine that you will never again degrade your being, by bewildering your brain with strong liquor.

  7. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=Trübner|Trübner and Co.,(nb...)|year=1874|page=17|pageurl=|oclc=16781233|passage=Thou bewilderest my mind by thy ambiguous words. Tell me, therefore, one only thing for certain, by which I may obtain happiness.

  8. (RQ:Wilde Dorian Gray)

  9. (RQ:Vance Nobody)

  10. (quote-book)

  11. (quote-web)