
suomi-englanti sanakirja

beseem englannista suomeksi

  1. olla sopivaa, sopia

  1. Verbi

beseem englanniksi

  1. ''Generally with a qualifying word such as'' ill ''or'' well: to appear, look, or seem (a certain way for someone or something).

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 6-1)

  4. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  5. (RQ:Fletcher Rule a Wife)

  6. (quote-book)|location=Edinburgh|publisher=(...) Evan Tyler,(nb...)|date=14 January 1643|page=6|pageurl=|oclc=30650050|passage=The Nationall Aſſembly of this Kirk, from which we have our Commiſſion, did promiſe in their thankſgiving for the many favours expreſſed in Your Majeſties Letter, their beſt endeavours to keep the people under their charge, in unity and peace, and in loyalty and obedience to Your Majeſtie and Your Laws, which we confeſſe is a duty well beſeeming the preachers of the Goſpel: (..)

  7. (RQ:Keats Lamia)

  8. (RQ:Bulwer-Lytton Last of the Barons)

  9. (quote-journal) The mouth, artfully carmined to allure, beseems the red door of a white sepulchre.

  10. ''Without any qualifying word'': to be appropriate or creditable (for someone or something).

  11. (synonyms)


  12. (RQ:Marlowe Edward 2)

  13. (RQ:Shakespeare Lucrece)

  14. (RQ:Hooker Laws)

  15. (RQ:Fuller Holy Warre)

  16. (RQ:Milton Paradise Regained)

  17. (RQ:Scott Ivanhoe)

  18. (RQ:Hawthorne Twice-Told Tales)

  19. (RQ:Robert Browning Ferishtah)