bear in mind

suomi-englanti sanakirja

bear in mind englannista suomeksi

  1. muistaa, pitää mielessä, ottaa huomioon

  1. Verbi

  2. pitää mielessä">pitää mielessä

bear in mind englanniksi

  1. To hold (something) in the memory; to remember; also, to be mindful of or attention to (something); to consider; to note.

  2. (synonyms)


  3. (quote-book)|title=A Treatise of the Confession of Sinne,(nb...)|location=London|publisher=(...) J. G. for Crooke and William Cooke|Andrew Crook,(nb...)|year=1657|section=section III|page=180|pageurl=|oclc=249024277|passage=The ''Florentine'' Council preſcribes a ſinner ''to confeſs vvholly all ſuch ſins as he remembreth to his Prieſt'', as loth to charge him vvith more than he bears in mind; and if ſuch time be given as once a year, and of ſuch ſins as occur to the memory; it may vvell be doubted, that vvith many ſinners but fevv remain upon the memory at the years end, to be rehearſed before the Prieſt.

  4. (quote-book)|title=A Second Vindication of Christ’s Divinity: Or, A Second Defense of Some Queries Relating to Dr. Clarke’s Scheme of the Holy Trinity:(nb...)|location=London|publisher=(...) W. and J. Innys,(nb...); and Cornelius Crownfield(nb...)|year=1723|page=268|pageurl=|oclc=221367562|passage=It is under the conception of ''Neceſſary-exiſtence'', not as ''unbegotten'', that He &91;(w)&93; propoſes the Father as the ''true God''; in oppoſition to all the ''periſhing'' and ''feeble'' Deities of the Pagans: And vvhile He does This, He ſtill bears in mind that this ''Father'' has a ''Son'' of the ſame Nature vvith Himſelf; and forgets not to mention Him in his proper Place: (..)

  5. (RQ:Disraeli Vivian Grey)

  6. (quote-book)|chapter=V|translator=&91;(w)&93;|title=Home Life in Russia.(nb...)|location=London|publisher=(w), publishers, successors to (w),(nb...)|year=1854|volume=I|page=56|pageurl=|oclc=4935161|passage=He bore in mind his father's advice: "Take care and economise your copeks, or you will come to a bad end."

  7. (quote-journal)

  8. (quote-av); Miramax Films|date=27 September 2007|oclc=469582404|passage=Bear in mind you could lose it all if you're not careful.

  9. (RQ:Guardian) seizes point for City F.C.|Manchester City as F.C.|Chelsea are checked|archiveurl=|date=31 January 2015|passage=As it turned out, Costa|Diego Costa was not too badly missed bearing in mind his replacement, (w), scored Chelsea’a goal.