
suomi-englanti sanakirja

bardo englanniksi

  1. The state of existence between death and subsequent reincarnation.

  2. (quote-book)

  3. (quote-book)|location=Madison, Wis.|publisher=University of Wisconsin Press|year=1998|page=xiii|pageurl=|isbn=978-0-299-16010-4|passage=The bardo in Tibetan means an intermediate state, most specifically the one after death when your soul wanders through the heavens and hell, trying to avoid rebirth into samsara—the realm of the material—and achieve nirvana or Buddhahood. (..) Like everything the bardo journey takes place both inside you and outside. Like everything it's both a metaphor and not. I was born in the fifties in a nation suspended in the bardo state between a war a decade over and the hellsmoke light of a new war pulling in the East.

  4. (l)

  5. hedge; fence

  6. (syn)

  7. poet (of a certain rank); bard

  8. bard (gloss)

  9. poet

  10. (inflection of)

  11. comb (in a loom)

  12. reed, weaving comb

  13. (RQ:zlw-opl:R)

  14. (l) (gl)

  15. bard

  16. conflict