
suomi-englanti sanakirja

atheist englannista suomeksi

  1. ateisti

  2. ateisti-

  1. Substantiivi

  2. ateisti

  3. Verbi

atheist englanniksi

  1. A person who does not believe in deities or gods.

  2. {{quote-book|en|year=1910

  3. A person who is certain that no deities exist or who thinks that the existence of deities can be disproven.

  4. (syn)

  5. {{quote-book|en|date=1571-10-20

  6. {{quote-journal|en|date=1953-11-03

  7. A person who doubts the existence of deities ((n-g)).

  8. {{quote-journal|en|year=1843

  9. {{quote-book|en|date=2006-09-18

  10. Any person lacking belief in deities (including children who are unaware of religion).

  11. {{quote-book|en|year=1772

  12. A person who does not believe in a particular deity (but may believe in another deity).

  13. {{quote-book|en|year=1840

  14. {{quote-av|en|year=2002

  15. {{quote-book

  16. A person who does not believe in any religion (not even a religion without gods); a nonreligious person. (rfv-sense)

  17. {{quote-book|en|date=2002-01-01|author=Anne-Marie De Mejía|title=Power, Prestige, and Bilingualism: International Perspectives on Elite Bilingual Education|publisher=Multilingual Matters|isbn=9781853595905|page=63

  18. {{quote-web

  19. {{quote-book|en|date=2014-12-04|author=Lori G. Beaman; Steven Tomlins|title=Atheist Identities - Spaces and Social Contexts|publisher=Springer|isbn=9783319096025|page=8

  20. {{quote-book|en|date=2015-03-10|author=David Seidman|title=What If I'm an Atheist?: A Teen's Guide to Exploring a Life Without Religion|publisher=Simon and Schuster|isbn=9781582704067|page=149

  21. Of or relating to atheists or atheism; atheistic.

  22. {{quote-text|en|year=c. 16th-17th century|chapter=Francis Bacon|title=civil and moral (Harvard Classics)/Of Unity in Religion/Of Unity in Religion|Of Unity in Religion

  23. {{quote-book|en|date=2007-12-01|author=R. D. Richardson|title=Violence in the Urban Schools!: What Would You Do?|publisher=Xlibris Corporation|isbn=9781436301077|page=81

  24. To make someone an atheist.

  25. {{quote-text|en|year=1646|title=Bolton|Samuel Bolton: The arraignment of errour

  26. (alternative form of)