
suomi-englanti sanakirja

arrowroot englannista suomeksi

  1. nuolijuuri

  2. arrowjuuri

  1. Substantiivi

  2. arrowjuuri, nuolijuuri

  3. arrowjuuri

arrowroot englanniksi

  1. (taxfmt) from the (taxfmt) family, a large perennial herb native to the Caribbean area with green leaves about 15 centimeters long. (defdate)

  2. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=Churchill (publisher)|John Churchill,(nb...)|year=1845|page=16|pageurl=|oclc=969508983|passage=The East India arrowroot was considered the best; and the French West India arrowroot not so good. The East India arrowroot had the finest grains; the second finest were those from the potato; and third the ''tous les mois'' or French West India arrowroot; (..)

  3. (quote-book) Arrowroots thrive where there is enough moisture in the soil for its normal growth and development.

  4. ''Usually preceded by an (glossary) word'': some other plant whose rhizomes are used to prepare a substance similar to arrowroot ''(sense 3)'', such as (taxlink) (arrowroot) or Pueraria montana var. lobata|(taxlink) var. ''lobata'' (arrowroot or kudzu).

  5. (quote-book) The ancient Hawaiians used the arrowroot (''pia'') as a food and as a medicine.

  6. (quote-book) Japanese arrowroot plant foliage is also a palatable fodder for farm cattle in the form of hay, pasture or silage, especially in the off season.

  7. A starchy substance obtained from the rhizomes of an arrowroot plant used as a thickener.

  8. (quote-journal)|date=1 February 1840|volume=I|issue=857|page=704|pageurl=|oclc=1041935281|passage=Dr. (smallcaps) could state, with certainty, that all the arrow-root imported into this country from Barbadoes, was made from the maranta; (..) The difference in the quality of the arrow-roots imported into this country, depended on the care which had been employed in the preparation. The greater number of times the fecula was washed, the purer it would be.

  9. (quote-book) Monandria Monogynia; (smallcaps) Marantaceæ; a plant, which is a native of South America and the West Indies, where it is largely cultivated in gardens and provision grounds. The tubers or roots are beaten into a pulp, stirred with cold water, removing the fibres with the hand; the milky juice is passed through a fine sieve, and the starch is allowed to subside in the strained fluid. The fecula is then washed, and dried without heat. This is the ''Arrowroot''. (..) &91;pages 397–398&93; As an aliment, arrowroot is considered to be less nutritive than wheaten starch, but more palatable and digestible. (..) Boiled in water or milk, it is a very common, and favourite aliment in febrile and inflammatory affections, in chronic diseases, and in convalescence from the acute.

  10. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=Printed for Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans,(nb...)|year=1845|page=10|pageurl=|oclc=1055008622|passage=The presence of potato starch in arrow root may be discovered by the microscope. Arrow root consists of regular ovoid particles of nearly equal size, whereas potato starch consists of particles of an irregular ovoid or truncated form, exceedingly irregular in their dimensions, some being so large as (frac) of an inch, and others only (frac).

  11. (RQ:Beeton Household Management)

  12. (quote-journal) Arrowroot prepared in Queensland from ''Encephalartus'' (''Zamia'') ''spiralis'' was shown in 1872 at the London Exhibition.

  13. (quote-book)

  14. (quote-book) The coconut milk should be thickened with ''pia'', the Polynesian arrowroot. (..) The most highly regarded "arrowroot" is West Indian (''Maranta arundinacea''); (..) Haupia made with this West Indian arrowroot was indeed creamier, almost gelatinous, nothing like so solid and pasty, and with a clearer flavor than haupia made with cornstarch. It is worth seeking out arrowroot, with the caveat that you may not be getting what you expect.