
suomi-englanti sanakirja

appel englanniksi

  1. An act of striking the ground with the leading foot to frighten, distract, or mislead one's opponent.

  2. (obsolete spelling of)

  3. apple

  4. (l), (taxfmt)

  5. (syn)

  6. (l), (taxfmt)

  7. appeal (gloss)

  8. ''Democratisch Appèl|Christen Democratisch Appèl'' — Christian Democratic Appeal (the name of a Dutch political party: old spelling with the accent on the -e-)

  9. appeal (gloss)

  10. (l) (gloss)

  11. call

  12. appeal

  13. (alt sp of)

  14. fruit, nut

  15. apple (gloss).

  16. ball; spheroid

  17. (l)

  18. (topics) apple