
suomi-englanti sanakirja

anneal englannista suomeksi

  1. hehkuttaa, mellottaa

  1. Verbi

  2. hehkuttaa, myöstää

  3. Substantiivi

anneal englanniksi

  1. To subject to great heat and then (often slow) cooling, and sometimes reheating and further cooling, for the purpose of rendering less brittle; to temper; to toughen.

  2. (quote-journal)

  3. (quote-book)|seriesvolume=no. 42; 50th States Congress|Congress, 2d session, States House of Representatives|House of Representatives Miscellaneous Documents; no. 137|location=Washington, D.C.|publisher=States Government Publishing Office|Government Printing Office|year=1887|year_published=1889|volume=VII|page=123|pageurl=|oclc=881832145|passage=On closer inspection it appeared that steel annealed at 100° is, cæteris paribus, more easily soluble than glass hard steel; steel annealed at 200° more easily soluble than steel annealed at 100°, and steel annealed at 360° more easily soluble than steel annealed at 200°. (..) These curious results were substantiated by annealing one-half of short glass hard rods (ca. 5cm in length) at red heat on dissolving in HCl, the diameter of the soft length is diminished more rapidly than the diameter of the hard length.

  4. (quote-book)

  5. {{quote-book

  6. To cool glass slowly, to minimize internal stress.

  7. To burn colors onto a glass or other surface.

  8. (quote-book) Several other Colours were alſo made uſe of, nor were they barely varniſh'd over with them, but very often anneal'd by Wax melted in the Fire, ſo as neither the Sun, Winds, or Water were able to deface them.

  9. (quote-book); and for Bell & Bradfute and I. Mundell & Co. Edinburgh)|location=Edinburgh|publisher=Printed by Mundell and Son, Royal Bank Close|year=1793|page=164|pageurl=|oclc=221463680|passage=Such were the features of her heavenly Face, / Her limbs were form'd with ſuch harmonious grace: / So faultleſs was the frame, as if the whole / Had been an emanation of the ſoul; / Which her own inward ſymmetry reveal'd; / And like a picture ſhone, in glaſs anneal'd.

  10. To make a double-stranded acid by pairing a single strand with a complementary strand.

  11. To strengthen or harden.

  12. (ux)

  13. An act of annealing.

  14. (quote-book), Electric|General Electric Company|date=3 October 1958|page=xiii|oclc=|passage=Additional information obtained from counting krypton-85 released during the anneals shows that only fractions of a per cent of the theoretical amount of gas are released (..)

  15. (quote-book).