
suomi-englanti sanakirja

amalgam englannista suomeksi

  1. yhdistelmä, sekoitus, seos

  2. amalgaami, elohopeaseos

  1. Substantiivi

  2. amalgaami

  3. Verbi

amalgam englanniksi

  1. An alloy containing mercury.

  2. A combination of different things.

  3. (quote-journal)

  4. One of the ingredients in an alloy.

  5. To amalgamate (something) with a thing.

  6. (RQ:Jonson Alchemist)

  7. (RQ:Boyle Porosity) I had once occaſion to diſtil in a ſmall Retort ſome Gold amalgamed vvith ſuch a fine and ſubtile Mercury, that being (vvithout the addition of any Salt) put to the Gold in the cold, they preſently grevv hot together.

  8. (l)

  9. (l):

  10. an alloy containing mercury.

  11. material of silver tooth fillings.

  12. (l)

  13. (l) (gl)

  14. (syn)