
suomi-englanti sanakirja

aleta englanniksi

  1. decline

  2. go down

  1. fin

  2. Hand signal given by the enxaneta upon reaching the top of the castell, signifying its completion

  3. (noun form of)

  4. To descend, down|come/down, move downwards.

  5. (infl of)

  6. to descend

  7. to be lowered

  8. (RQ:izh:Oppikirja-1:1936)

  9. (inflection of)

  10. (diminutive of)

  11. vane (gloss)

  12. a small wing or wing-like structure, such as tailplanes, missile fins and fletchings

  13. wall (gloss)

  14. flipper

  15. the leaf of a hinge

  16. blade of a propeller

  17. to go down, to drop

  18. to decrease, to decline