
suomi-englanti sanakirja

al englanniksi

  1. Al

  2. AL

  1. (SI-unit-abb2)

  2. The mulberry, (taxfmt), especially as used to make dye.

  3. (seeCites)

  4. (archaic form of)

  5. (RQ:Thomas More Workes)

  6. already

  7. all; every

  8. though, although

  9. (contraction of)

  10. dark red, red, crimson

  11. (syn)

  12. (inflection of)

  13. (non-gloss definition)

  14. (uxi)

  15. the

  16. vermeil

  17. all

  18. any

  19. all, of

  20. yet

  21. (n-g)

  22. if

  23. he

  24. him

  25. to speak

  26. to; toward

  27. to (q)

  28. everything, the rest

  29. other, another

  30. (contraction)

  31. to go

  32. (n-g)

  33. (ux)

  34. lower part of something

  35. under, underneath

  36. (RQ:izh:Lukukirja-2:1937)

  37. (RQ:izh:Loonnontiito-1:1937)

  38. (RQ:izh:Junus:1936)

  39. (RQ:izh:Lukukirja-1:1936)

  40. near, around

  41. (RQ:izh:Geografia-1:1936)

  42. {{quote-book|ist|year=1877|author=Antonio Ive|title=Canti popolari istriani: raccolti a Rovigno|volume=5|publisher=Ermanno Loescher|page=40

  43. with (q)

  44. heavy

  45. old, aged

  46. (ant)

  47. stale

  48. you (gloss)

  49. (mfe-short of)

  50. water

  51. all, all of

  52. completely

  53. though, no matter whether

  54. (alternative form of)

  55. 14th c. (w), ''(w)''. General Prologue:

  56. {{quote|enm|And smale foweles maken melodye,That slepen al the nyght with open eye-(So priketh hem Nature in hir corages);
  57. {{quote-text|enm|year=1407|title=The Testimony of William Thorpe|pages=40–41

  58. line

  59. road, path, way

  60. to line, draw lines

  61. (war) flag, banner

  62. nourishing, fostering

  63. breeding

  64. (infl of)

  65. war

  66. all, every

  67. (quote-text)

  68. whole, entire

  69. completely, wholly

  70. though

  71. fire

  72. (l)

  73. (l), (l)

  74. eel

  75. entire

  76. entirely, thoroughly

  77. exactly, absolutely, already, quite

  78. she

  79. garlic

  80. 1725, Johann Parum Schultze, ''Die Wendländische Bauernchronik''

  81. (quote)
  82. of (qualifier)

  83. Sun

  84. a tree species of the family (taxfmt), (taxlink)

  85. (romanization of)

  86. alder (tree)

  87. (spelling of)

  88. (Old-fashioned) dark red, red, crimson

  89. trick, trap

  90. (tr-verb form of)

  91. pink

  92. to the

  93. at the

  94. (alternative form of)

  95. under, underneath (gloss)

  96. each

  97. every

  98. (alt form)

  99. (quote-book)