
suomi-englanti sanakirja

aia englanniksi

  1. (alternative spelling of)

  2. ayah, mammy

  3. water (gloss)

  4. (noun form of)

  5. ow, ouch

  6. (non-gloss definition)

  7. (ux)

  8. barnyard, farmyard, floor; paved area (typical of ''colonica|case coloniche'') used to thresh wheat, shell legumes and drying cereals

  9. (par)


  10. (RQ:it:Il nome della rosa)

  11. area (rfclarify)

  12. space, clearing

  13. (syn)

  14. tutor, especially one hired by a wealthy family

  15. water

  16. lady-in-waiting

  17. tutor, teacher

  18. chambermaid

  19. (inflection of)