
suomi-englanti sanakirja

Zeus englannista suomeksi

  1. Zeus

  1. Zeus

Zeus englanniksi

  1. (taxon)

  2. (taxon)|a fungus discovered on Mount Olympus, with yellow disc-shaped fruiting bodies that grow in the decaying wood of Bosnian pine trees

  3. Supreme ruler of all Greek gods, husband to Hera.

  4. (given name).

  5. (n-g)

  6. (quote-journal)|passage=67 (smallcaps) Wash off whatever your dog rolled in over the weekend. It'll freshen up your house and you'll burn about 100 calories.

  7. (l)

  8. (l) (q)

  9. Zeus (Supreme ruler of all Greek gods, husband to Hera)

  10. (l) (gloss)

  11. Zeus

  12. (l) (gl)

  13. Zeus (supreme among Greek gods)

  14. Zeus