suomi-englanti sanakirja

ZF englanniksi

  1. (SI-unit-abb)

  2. (initialism of) (theory): a particular axiomatic formulation of set theory without the of choice.

  3. {{quote-book|en|year=1967|author=Carol Karp|chapter=A Proof of the Relative Consistency of the Continuum Hypothesis|editor=John N. Crossley|title=Sets, Models, and Recursion Theory|publisher=North-Holland|pageurl=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=7LuBTu3KbMoC&pg=PA7&dq=%22zf%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjlnrmnxI7cAhWEJpQKHY1yAjEQ6AEIigEwEgv=onepage&q=%22zf%22&f=false|page=7

  4. 1971, Ulrich Felgner, ''Models of ZF-Set Theory'', Springer, (w) 223, page 21,

  5. 1. Corollary: ZF is not finitely axiomatizable.
    2. Corollary: ZF is reflexive (i.e. the consistency of every finite subtheory of ZF can be proved within ZF).
  6. 1991 Academic, Fred Landman, ''Structures for Semantics'', 1991, Springer, Softcover, page 56,

  7. However, the problem with it,generalized continuum hypothesis and the reason why it is not part of ZF strictly (apart from the fact that it implies the axiom of choice) is that it is rather arbitrary.
  8. (initialism of)

  9. {{quote-text|en|year=2008|author=Byeong Gi Lee; Sunghyun Choi|title=Broadband Wireless Access and Local Networks

  10. (quote-text)

  11. {{quote-text|en|year=2013|title=Academic Press Library in Signal Processing|page=308