
suomi-englanti sanakirja

War englanniksi

  1. war

  1. (n-g)

  2. War IProper noun|World War I.

  3. (quote-journal)|date=30 October 1939|volume=7|page=52|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/Life-1939-10-30-Vol-7-No-18/page/52/mode/1up|issn=0024-3019|oclc=1643958|passage=Through much of the War, Hitler carried his painter's kit, did water colors of War-ruined buildings.

  4. War IIProper noun|World War II.

  5. The personification of war, often depicted in armour and riding a red horse; the riderNoun|red rider.

  6. (place).