
suomi-englanti sanakirja

Ukrainian englannista suomeksi

  1. Ukrainan, ukrainalainen

  2. ukraina

  1. ukrainalainen

  2. Substantiivi

  3. ukraina

Ukrainian englanniksi

  1. Relating to Ukraine or its people.

  2. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) Osborne (publisher)|Thomas Osborne,(nb...)|year=1762|volume=XXXV|page=155|pageurl=|oclc=12792294|passage=The ''Muſcovite'', ''Novogrodian'', and ''Ukrainian'' dialects, are the moſt uſed in ''Ruſſia'', together with that of ''Archangel'', which greatly reſembles the ''Siberian''.

  3. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) Norton Longman|Thomas Norton Longman and Owen Rees,(nb...); and Debrett|John Debrett,(nb...)|year=1799|volume=III|section=book X (Social State of the Inhabitants)|page=263|pageurl=|oclc=4328022|passage=The ukrainian peaſantry ſovv far more ſummer-grain, becauſe the vvinter-ſovving in their vvet and ſnovvleſs vvinters is apt to rot and ſo to render the harveſt doubtful, vvhich in the northern provinces is exactly the reverſe. Inſtead of the light hook-plough, they uſe the large heavy ukrainian plough, and for the horſe vvhich in Ruſſia is almoſt the only beaſt uſed for ploughing, here oxen are put to, of vvhich ſometimes eight are ſeen harneſſed to one plough.

  4. (quote-book)|chapter=Preface|title=Underground Russia: Revolutionary Profiles and Sketches from Life(nb...)|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=Charles Scribner's Sons|Charles Scribner’s Sons|year=1883|page=vii|pageurl=|oclc=|passage=In fact, the publications of the Revolutionists which have been issued during the last three years abroad and from the secret press of St. Petersburg, present a rich source of information respecting the modern Revolutionary movement, but all these materials, being in the Russian or Ukrainian language, have scarcely contributed anything to the works written in other languages, and have remained for the most part unknown to Europe.

  5. (quote-journal)

  6. (quote-book), chairman of the Ukrainian Supreme Soviet.

  7. (quote-web) The wave of summits also saw the only Ukrainian climber this season, Antonina Samoilova reach the top with her country's flag, her expedition company 14 Peaks Expedition confirmed.

  8. (quote-web)

  9. A citizen of Ukraine or a person of Ukrainian ethnicity.

  10. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) Norton Longman|Thomas Norton Longman and Owen Rees,(nb...); and Debrett|John Debrett,(nb...)|year=1799|volume=II|section=book V (The Government of the Empire, or the Monarch)|page=433|pageurl=|oclc=4328022|passage=In general, it is permitted the ſubjects to utter their complaints and to make a repreſentation of them. Thus, the nobility may ſend deputies: this the Ukrainians have long been accuſtomed to do, as also the Livonians and Eſthonians: (..)

  11. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) Richard Phillips,(nb...) by (w),(nb...)|year=1803|volume=III|page=129|pageurl=|oclc=1160074454|passage=Zavadoffsky, a young Ukrainian, was favoured in private with the smiles of the empress &91;(w)&93;.

  12. (quote-book)

  13. The Slavic language of Ukrainians, and the official language of Ukraine.

  14. (quote-book)|chapter=I|title=The Russian Peasantry: Their Agrarian Condition, Social Life, and Religion|edition=2nd|location=London|publisher=Swan Sonnenschein|Swan Sonnenschein and Co.(nb...)|year=1888|volume=II|page=573|pageurl=|oclc=67532023|passage=It Slavonic is the root of both branches of the living Russian language: of Great Russian, which is the literary and official Russian, as well as of Ukrainian, or Southern Russian. There are, moreover, no popular dialects in our country. The fourteen millions of Ukrainians, settled in the plains of south-west Russia, all speak exactly the same language.