suomi-englanti sanakirja

OP englanniksi

  1. (init of)

  2. (init of) right.

  3. (init of) the person who started a thread.

  4. (ux)

  5. (init of)

  6. (abbreviation of)

  7. (init of) a cigarette cadged from someone.

  8. (abbreviation of)

  9. (ant)

  10. (abbr of)

  11. (abbr of)

  12. {{quote-newsgroup

  13. (init of) (of Preachers, the Dominicans, a order).

  14. opening theme, intro sequence

  15. (w)

  16. (initialism of)

  17. opening theme, intro sequence; (abbreviation of)

  18. (abbr of)|tr=ōpun

  19. (ja-usex-inline)