suomi-englanti sanakirja

OK englannista suomeksi

  1. OK

  1. kuittaus, hyväksyntä, OK, okei

  2. hyväksyä

  3. hyväksyä, OK

  4. sopia verb: be OK, kelvata verb: be OK; OK, okei informal

  5. ihan hyvä">ihan hyvä, kelvollinen; okei informal

  6. kunnossa adverb; okei informal

  7. ihan hyvin">ihan hyvin, hyvin, okei informal

  8. okei, selvä

  9. okei, no niin

  10. Verbi

  11. Substantiivi

OK englanniksi

  1. o.k., ok

  2. O.K.

  1. Endorsement; approval; (l); (l).

  2. (ux)

  3. To approve; to (l); to (l) to.

  4. ''I don't want to OK this amount of money.''

  5. To confirm by activating a button marked ''OK''.

  6. (quote-book)

  7. right|All right, acceptable, permitted.

  8. Satisfactory, reasonably good; not exceptional.

  9. (RQ:Alcott Little Women)

  10. Satisfied (''with''); willing to accept a state of affairs.

  11. {{quote-text|en|year=2012|author=Roni Jay|title=The 10 Most Important Things You Can Do For Your Children

  12. In good health or a good emotional state.

  13. (quote-journal)

  14. Satisfactorily, sufficiently well.

  15. (non-gloss definition)

  16. (syn)

  17. 2016, VOA Learning English (public domain)

  18. Come by this afternoon. — Okay.
    : (audio)
  19. (non-gloss definition)

  20. (non-gloss definition), serving as a request to the speaker to grant the turn to the interrupter.

  21. United States postal abbreviation for (m), a state of the States of America.

  22. Karaoke.

  23. OK

  24. {{zh-x|你 O{ōu}K{kèi} 嗎?|Are you OK?

    {{zh-x|你 @O{ou1} 唔 O{ou1}K{kei1} 呀?|Are you OK?|C

  25. (zh-x)

  26. (l)

  27. {{zh-x|上頭{tou} 說 O{ōu}K{kèi} 就 O{ōu}K{kèi} 了。|If higher authorities say "OK", it means "OK".

  28. moderately; fairly

  29. {{zh-x|呢{ni1} 科 都 O{ou1}K{kei1} 易 㗎。|This course is fairly easy.|C

  30. to OK; to approve; to accept

  31. (abbreviation of)

  32. (alt form)

  33. OK (gloss)

  34. (l) (endorsement; approval)

  35. operating theatre, operating room.

  36. agreement; approval; okay

  37. {{quote-book

  38. (ja-usex)
  39. no problem

  40. (ja-usex)

  41. OK; right; fine

  42. (l)

  43. good

  44. (l) (gloss)

  45. (l), okay

  46. (l), (l) (gloss)