suomi-englanti sanakirja

ISO englanniksi

  1. stout

  2. large

  3. bulky

  4. hulking

  5. great

  6. capital, majuscule

  7. big

  8. mickle, muckle

  9. uppercase

  1. The (w).

  2. (senseid) A image of an (w) system (such as a CD or DVD); also used as the extension for such a file.

  3. (ux)

  4. A measure of film sensitivity or brightness, derived from the ISO standard.

  5. (initialism of)

  6. (label) (initialism of)

  7. Abbreviation of instrument-shaped object. Used to refer to a musical instrument that is of very low quality.

  8. (initialism of)

  9. (quote-newsgroup)

  10. (l) ((w))

  11. (l) (gloss)