suomi-englanti sanakirja

IPA englanniksi

  1. (initialism of)

  2. {{quote-journal|1=en|year=2012|author=James Lambert|title=Beyond ''Hobson-Jobson'': A new lexicography for Indian English|journal=World Englishes|page=297|url=https://benjamins.com/catalog/eww.33.3.03lam

  3. (initialism of)

  4. (quote-book)

  5. Transcription written in the International Phonetic Alphabet.

  6. An IPA file, or an iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, or tvOS app distributed via IPA files.

  7. (acronym of)

  8. the (l) (gl)

  9. (syn)

  10. the IPA (gl)