
suomi-englanti sanakirja

Canton englannista suomeksi

  1. Kanton

  1. Kanton

Canton englanniksi

  1. canton

  1. Several places in China:

  2. Guangzhou, the capital and largest city of Guangdong, China.

  3. {{quote-book|en

  4. 1771, :s:EB1|''Encyclopaedia Britannica'', 1st ed., Vol. II, p. 28:

  5. Britannica, First Edition/Canton|(smallcaps) is alſo the name of a large, populous, and wealthy city and port-town of China, ſituated on the river Ta, about fifty miles from the Indian ocean... It is a fortified place, within the walls of which no Chriſtians are permitted to enter, notwithſtanding their great trade thither; it being from thence that they import all manner of Chineſe goods, as china-ware, tea, cabinets, raw and wrought ſilks, gold-duſt, &c.
  6. {{quote-book

  7. {{quote-journal

  8. (seemoreCites)

  9. Guangdong, a province of China.

  10. the River, a river in southern China.

  11. (place).

  12. Several places in the States:

  13. (place) (q).

  14. (surname).

  15. (place)

  16. several other places in the States:

  17. (place) (q)

  18. (foreign name)