
suomi-englanti sanakirja

Albanian englannista suomeksi

  1. albanialainen

  1. albanialainen

  2. albania, albanian kieli">albanian kieli

Albanian englanniksi

  1. Of, from, or pertaining to Albania, the Albanian people or the Albanian language.

  2. A person from Albania or of Albanian descent.

  3. The languages spoken by the Albanian people, primarily spoken in Albania and Kosovo. (ISO 639 language codes: sq/sqi/alb (Albanian), als (Tosk), aln (Gheg), aat (Arvanitika), aae (Arbëresh).)

  4. (synonym of)

  5. of or from the city of Albany, York State

  6. Someone from the city of Albany, York State.

  7. Scottish, especially referring to the of Alba|Kingdom of Alba, Scotland, between 900 and 1286.

  8. (inflection of)

  9. (infl of)