
suomi-englanti sanakirja

$ englanniksi

  1. money

  2. (quote-text)

  3. peso

  4. dollar

  5. 1977, advertisement page in ''(w)'', 106, page 8

  6. (quote) $$$ worth of laughs with these exact reproductions of old U. S. Gold Banknotes (1840).
  7. escudo

  8. cache

  9. 2010 Fall, U Penn CIS501 lecture noteshttps://www.cis.upenn.edu/~milom/cis501-Fall10/lectures/07_superscalar.pdf:

  10. (quote)
  11. A substitute for the letter S, used as a symbol of money or (perceived) greed in business practices.

  12. ''"Micro$oft Window$"''

  13. 2015, "Pixtopia", season 1, episode 6b of ''(w)''

  14. A substitute for the letter S, used as a censored or filter-avoidance spelling.

  15. The symbol for the dollar and peso, or by convention, other currency.

  16. The unofficial symbol for the escudo.

  17. (non-gloss definition)