

  1. (biologia, lääketiede) endeeminen

  2. (arkikieltä) yleinen paikallisesti

  3. kotoperäinen

Liittyvät sanat: endemically



  1. kotoperäinen, syntyperäinen, autoktoninen, endeeminen, kotimainen, alkuperäinen, kasvi, endeeminen kasvi, kotoperäinen kasvi, kotoperäinen laji, sairaus, tauti, endeeminen tauti, kotoperäinen tauti.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



kotoperäinen, endeeminen

kotoperäinen tauti

kotoperäinen laji native Native to a particular area or culture; originating where it occurs.

Kangaroos are endemic to Australia.

puhekieltä peculiar Peculiar to a particular area or region; not found in other places.

The endemic religion of Easter Island arrived with the Polynesian settlers.

puhekieltä prevalent Prevalent in a particular area or region.

Malaria is endemic to the tropics.

1998, Gillian Catriona Ramchand, Deconstructing the Lexicon, in Miriam Butt and Wilhelm Geuder, eds. “The Projection of Arguments”
These problems are endemic to the theory of thematic roles as currently conceived, because the classification it implies simply does not correspond to legitimate linguistic semantic definitions.
An individual or species that is endemic to a region.
2004, (w), The Earth, Folio Society 2011, p. 34:
The species that appeared as a consequence were endemics; that is, they were found nowhere else in the world.


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aerobic, chic, picnic, tic

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