


  1. rohkaisu

Liittyvät sanat: discouragement



  1. apu, apuväline, auttaminen, avustus, tuki, myötävaikutus, kannustus, rohkaisu, hengenluonti, taistelutahdon lisääminen, suostuminen, suostumus, suositus, yllyttäminen, edistäminen, yllyttely, yllytys, suosionosoitukset, hyvä-huudot.

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rohkaisu, kannustus The act of encourage encouraging
Something that incites, supports, promotes, protects or advances; incentive
1904, Edward Verrall Lucas, Highways and Byways in Sussex Chapter 2

even their arch-enemy the gamekeeper is beginning reluctantly, but gradually, to acquiesce in the general belief of their innocence and utility, I cannot help indulging the hope that this bird will eventually meet with that general encouragement and protection to which its eminent services so richly entitle it.
Words or actions that increase someone's confidence
7 January 2017, Adharanand Finn writing in (The Guardia), https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/jan/07/ultra-running-south-london-24-hour-race The 24-hour race: It is a battle with your mind'''
Diana Celeiro has come all the way from Argentina for the race. It’s her second time here. Her husband, Gustavo, acts as her support crew. Most of the runners have someone who stands diligently by the track watching, offering encouragement, preparing snacks or helping with any issues that arise, from blisters to emotional breakdowns.
1776, Laurence Sterne, Tristram Shandy, Chapter 4
If I live, an' please your honour, but once to get through it, I will never tell it again, quoth Trim, either to man, woman, or child--Poo--poo! said my uncle Toby--but with accents of such sweet encouragement did he utter it, that the corporal went on with his story with more alacrity than ever.
The feeling of being encouraged
An English encouragement


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