

  1. kehu, onnittelut, ylistys, kunnia, ylistyspuhe, muistopuhe, ylistyslaulu, kunnianosoitus.

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ylistyspuhe, kunnianosoitus, ylistys warm Warm praise, especially a formal expression of such praise; a tribute.
1763, (w), The History of Louisiana: Or of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina: Containing a Description of the Countries that Lye on both Sides of the River Missisipi sic: With an Account of the Settlements ... Translated from the French ... by M. Le Page du Pratz; with some Notes and Observations ... In two volumes. ..., London: Printed for T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt, (w) 181837275 (English translation of Histoire de la Louisiane : contenant la découverte de ce vaste pays, sa description géographique, un voyage dans les terres, lhistoire naturelle, les mœurs, coûtumes & religion des naturels, avec leurs origines : deux voyages dans le nord du nouveau Mexique, dont un jusqu'à la mer du Sud : ornée de deux cartes & de 40 planches en taille douce, Paris : Chez de Bure, laîné ..., la veuve Delaguette ..., Lambert ..., 1758, (w) 1651361), page 39:

I rejoined our people, and expected a reprimand for having forced the enemy without orders; though I had my excuse ready. But here I was mistaken; for I met with nothing but encomiums.
(RQ:Grey Riders):
"I never seen their like," was Lassiter's encomium, "an' in my day I've seen a sight of horses."
(quote-book)|year=1960|section=chapter X|passage=I am, you will agree, mature, and in my earlier days I won no little praise for my skill at hunt-the-slipper. I remember one of the hostesses whose Christmas parties I attended comparing me to a juvenile bloodhound. An extravagant encomium, of course, but that is what she said.
(quote-book)|year=1991|page=141|isbn=978-0-520-07045-5|passage=A more classical, adoxographic tone characterizes an encomium of the ass contained in Pero Mexía's 1547 Diálogos. In it the donkey is praised for its humility and integrity, as well as for its practicality: the she-ass's milk is recommended as both an antidote for poison and a skin cleanser, the animal is a good mount for soldiers, and even its meat is tasty.
(quote-book) indicated in antiquity, encomia of Busiris by (w) belong to this category of "paradoxical" or "adoxographic" treatises, which flourished in nearly all periods of ancient Greek literature. These were speeches written in the encomiastic style on subjects that were immediately recognizable to ancient audiences as vile, trivial, ridiculous, or otherwise unsuited to praise.
(quote-book)|year=2014|pages=6–7|isbn=978-0-691-06791-9|passage=(..) w:Polycrates (sophist)|Polycrates' encomium on mice dwelt upon their service to the Egyptians in gnawing the bowstrings and shield handles of invading enemies, while (w), praising hair, gave examples of long-haired heroes at Troy. Appion's praise of adultery recalls the love affairs of Zeus and other gods, and Libanus stresses the good parentage of (w), ugliest of the Greeks who fought against Troy. But for all their diversity of individual arguments, the overall pattern for these playful or "adoxographic" works remains that of the serious encomium, and their subject matter can conveniently be grouped under the three broad headings of vice, disease, and animals.
puhekieltä A general category of oratory.
puhekieltä A method within rhetorical pedagogy.
The eighth exercise in the progymnasmata series.
puhekieltä A genre of literature that included five elements: prologue, birth and upbringing, acts of the person's life, comparisons used to praise the subject, and an epilogue.
An Ancient Greek literary genre of praise.
puhekieltä dictionary Dictionary.
praise Praise, eulogy.
kreikka εγκώμιο
venäjä восхвале́ние


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