

  1. eliksiiri



  1. aines, ihmelääke, patenttilääke, yleiskeino, yleislääke, juoma, rohdos, rohto, taikajuoma, eliksiiri, elämänneste, elämän eliksiiri, viisasten kivi, neste.

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eliksiiri puhekieltä A liquid which converts lead to gold.
2002, Philip Ball, The Elements: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford 2004, p. 59:

For Chinese alchemists, gold held the key to the Elixir, the Eastern equivalent of the Philosopher's Stone.
puhekieltä A substance or liquid which is believed to cure all ills and give eternal life.
puhekieltä The alleged cure for all ailments; cure-all, panacea.
2015, The Boston Globe, Steven Pinker, https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2015/07/31/the-moral-imperative-for-bioethics/JmEkoyzlTAu9oQV76JrK9N/story.html The moral imperative for bioethics:
The silver-bullet cancer cures of yesterday’s newsmagazine covers, like interferon and angiogenesis inhibitors, disappointed the breathless expectations, as have elixirs such as antioxidants, Vioxx, and hormone replacement therapy.
puhekieltä A sweet flavored liquid (usually containing a small amount of alcohol) used in compounding medicines to be taken by mouth in order to mask an unpleasant taste.
to choose
to elect
puhekieltä (l) (gloss)
puhekieltä a magical potion
(alternative spelling of)


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