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elektroninen musiikki">elektroninen musiikki


verkkojalanjälki puhekieltä Any of a wide range of electronic music genres.
2012, Michael Campbell, Popular Music in America: The Beat Goes On

By mid-decade, electronica began to chart, in the music of acts such as Bjork, Chemical Brothers, and Moby, and the resources of electronica were integrated into other non-pop styles, such as the industrial music of Trent Reznor (..)
2014, Timothy D. Taylor, Strange Sounds: Music, Technology and Culture
New Age music (..) like all musics, has its margins, and these are blurred with ambient, techno, and other electronica.
Electronic items in general.
puhekieltä The data trail of an individual on the public internet. (rfe)
puhekieltä electronics


electronică rimmaa näiden kanssa:

peeaa, nugaa, haa, ahaa, jauhaa, huuhaa, kutiaa, jaa, ajaa, koeajaa

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