

  1. kaksoiskappale, duplikaatti

Liittyvät sanat: duplication



  1. yhteensopiva, kopio, samanlainen, kaksois-, pari, kaksos-, sama, uusia, kopioida, toistaa.

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kopioida, monistaa


kopio Being the same as another; identical. This may exclude the first identical item in a series, but usage is inconsistent.

This is a duplicate entry.

puhekieltä In which the hands of cards, tiles, etc. are preserved between rounds to be played again by other players.

duplicate whist

duplicate Scrabble

to make a copy of

If we duplicate the information, are we really accomplishing much?

to do repeatedly; to do again

You dont need to duplicate my efforts.''

to produce something equal to

He found it hard to duplicate the skills of his wife.

One that resembles or corresponds to another; an identical copy.

This is a duplicate, but a very good replica.

Sir W. Temple
I send a duplicate both of it and my last dispatch.
puhekieltä An original instrument repeated; a document which is the same as another in all essential particulars, and differing from a mere copy in having all the validity of an original.


The game of duplicate bridge.
1999, Matthew Granovetter, Murder at the Bridge Table (page 6)
The momentary madness which infects bridge players occurs frequently at rubber bridge and duplicate; and though it rarely results in murder, it often terminates marriages and close friendships(..)
The game of duplicate Scrabble.
puhekieltä A biological specimen that was gathered alongside another specimen and represents the same species.
(inflection of)
(feminine plural past participle of)


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