
Tarkoititko: dupletti

Ehdota määritelmää


englanti puhekieltä A size of paper, so called because it is originally made by folding and cutting a single sheet from a printing press into 12 leaves; (5 by 7¾ inches): 6.5 to 7.5 inches high, approximately 4.5 inches wide.
A sheet or page of that size.
puhekieltä A book having pages of that size.
2015, (w:William Logan (poet)), "A Critics Notebook," Guilty Knowledge, Guilty Pleasure, p. 304:
In recent years, I have taken to reading while walking. I believe the Romantics were guilty of such behavior; a duodecimo was small enough to fit into a jacket pocket.
A size of paper, so called because it is originally made by folding and cutting a single sheet from a printing press into 12 leaves; (5 by 7¾ inches): 6.5 to 7.5 inches high, approximately 4.5 inches wide.
A page of that size; hence, a whole book having pages of that size
puhekieltä (l)
(inflection of)


duodécimo rimmaa näiden kanssa:

suklaa-, valkea-, mega-, giga-, haja-, laaka-, raaka-, taka-, deka-, seka-

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dumpata, dumping, dumppaus, duo, dupletti, duplikaatti

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