


  1. vetolaatikko, pöytälaatikko, laatikosto

  2. piirtäjä



  1. kontti, säiliö, laatikko, vetolaatikko, varastotila.

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vetolaatikko, laatikko

trassentti, vekselin asettaja

suunnittelija An open-topped box that can be slid in and out of the cabinet that contains it, used for storing clothing or other articles.
(non-gloss definition); one who draws.
2012 August 28, Manny Fernandez, “http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/29/us/federal-court-calls-texas-voting-maps-discriminatory.html Federal Court Finds Texas Voting Maps Discriminatory”, NYTimes.com:

Lawyers for Mr. Abbott argued that the maps were drawn to help Republicans maintain power but not to discriminate, and that drawers did not know where district offices were located.
(quote-journal)|date=25 January 2014|page=9|passage=Wanted: discreet drawer of royal bath title ... The successful applicant for the role of "housekeeping assistant" mus also be prepared for rather less conventional tasks; such as running the Queen's bath and cleaning her priceless antiques.
An artist who primarily makes drawings.
puhekieltä One who writes a bank draft, check/cheque, or promissory note.
A barman; a man who draws the beer from the taps.
(RQ:Fielding Tom Jones)
When the good lieutenant applied himself to the door, he applied himself likewise to the bell; and the drawer immediately attending, he dispatched him for a file of musqueteers and a surgeon.
Someone who taps palm sap for making (l).
{{quote-book|year=1927|author=http://openlibrary.org/authors/OL2416183A F. E. Penny


drawer rimmaa näiden kanssa:

weber, freelancer, cheerleader, outsider, loafer, schäfer, penger, suojapenger, rantapenger, tiepenger

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