


  1. dorka

  2. slangia|k=en penis



  1. idiootti, nynnerö, nörtti, ääliö, dorka, tollo, sopeutumaton yksilö, sopeutumaton henkilö, törppö, mäntti.

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Liittyvät sanat: dorka, dorkasti.



nörtti, tollo, dorka, nynnerö puhekieltä A penis. (defdate)
1962, Jerome Weidman, The Sound of Bow Bells page 362:

As a matter of fact, this slob was full of information today. He told me why we Jews have different dorks.
2005, Mike Judge, Reading Sucks: The Collected Works of Beavis and Butthead:
"There's that dork whose wife cut off his dork." And when people ask him for an autograph he writes, "Best of luck to Betsy. Signed, the guy whose wife cut off his penis."
puhekieltä A quirky, silly and/or stupid, socially inept person, or one who is out of touch with contemporary trends. Often confused with nerd and geek, but does not imply the same level of intelligence. (defdate)
1962, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Last year at Marienbad page 167:
I entitled the piece "Dorky", dork being slang for a person who does not belong to popular groups, usually an outsider, an odd person, sometimes inept, other times cranky.
1967, Don Moser and Jerry Cohen, The Pied Piper of Tucson:
I didn’t have any clothes and I had short hair and looked like a dork. Girls wouldn’t go out with me.
puhekieltä (alternative form of)


  • dorka: tyhmä / "hullu" : Ootsä ihan dorka? / vähän dorka?

  • dorkala: mielisairaala


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