


  1. kotitalous-, perhe-, koti-

  2. kotimainen, kotimaan

Esimerkkejä domestic sanan käytöstä:

domestic violence - perheväkivalta

domestic animal - kotieläin

domestic politics - kotimaan politiikka

Liittyvät sanat: international



  1. kotimaan, kotimainen, sisäinen, kansallinen, kunnallis-.

Lisää synonyymejää



kodin, perhe-


koti-, talous- Of or relating to the home.
1994, George Whitmore, Getting Rid of Robert in Violet Quill:

“Dan’s not as domestic as you," I commented rather nastily.
Of or relating to activities normally associated with the home, wherever they actually occur.


puhekieltä Kept by someone, for example as a farm animal or a pet.
1890, US Bureau of Animal Industry, Annual report v 6/7, 1889/90
It shall be the duty of any owner or person in charge of any domestic animal or animals.
Internal to a specific country.
1996, Robert O. Keohane, Helen V. Milner, Internationalization and Domestic Politics:
The proportion of international economic flows relative to domestic ones.
A house servant; a maid; a household worker.
Mary Romero, Maid in the U.S.A. - New standards of cleanliness increased the workload for domestics.
A domestic dispute, whether verbal or violent
2005: Bellingham-Whatcom County Commission Against Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence in Whatcom County (read on the Whatcom County website at on 20 May 2006) - The number of “verbal domestics” (where law enforcement determines that no assault has occurred and where no arrest is made), decreased significantly.
(l) (gloss)
puhekieltä (l)


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