


  1. sinnikäs, hellittämätön

Liittyvät sanat: tenacious



  1. itsepäinen, jästipäinen, itsepintainen, sitkeä, hellittämätön, jääräpäinen, luja, peräänantamaton, sinnikäs.

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itsepintainen, sinnikäs, peräänantamaton (en-past of)
1903, w:Samuel Butler|Samuel Butler, The Way of All Flesh:

At night proctors patrolled the street and dogged your steps if you tried to go into any haunt where the presence of vice was suspected.
stubbornly persevere persevering, steadfast
1900, w:Jack London|Jack London, The Son of the Wolf:
Still, the dogged obstinacy of his race held him to the pace he had set, and would hold him till he dropped in his tracks.
1941, (w), (w), Chapter 18,
Rushing out to the point above the reef, we watched the conflict between canoe and sea. When the man reached the gas boat, the screams of the boy stopped. With great risk they loaded the canoe till she began to take water. The boy bailed furiously. The long dogged pull of the man's oars challenged death inch by inch, wave by wave.
2004, w:Chris Wallace (journalist)|Chris Wallace, Character: Profiles in Presidential Courage:
It had taken nine years from the evening that Truman first showed up with a pie plate at her mother's door, but his dogged perseverance eventually won him the hand of his boyhood Sunday school crush.


dogged rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tweed, lied, LED

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