


  1. eritä

Liittyvät sanat: converge



  1. haarautua, haaraantua, levittäytyä, jakautua, erkaantua, siirtää, viedä, erota, poiketa.

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erkaantua puhekieltä To run apart; to separate; to tend into different directions.
1916, w:Robert Frost|Robert Frost, “w:The Road Not Taken|The Road Not Taken” (poem), in w:Mountain Interval|Mountain Interval:

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, / And sorry I could not travel both / (..)
puhekieltä To become different; to run apart; to separate; to tend into different directions.
2012, Christoper Zara, Tortured Artists: From Picasso and Monroe to Warhol and Winehouse, the Twisted Secrets of the Worlds Most Creative Minds'', part 1, chapter 1, (gbooks):
The brooding, black-clad singer bridged a stark divide that emerged in the recording industry in the 1950s, as post-Elvis pop singers diverged into two camps and audiences aligned themselves with either the sideburned rebels of rock 'n' roll or the cowboy-hatted twangsters of country music.

Both stories start out the same way, but they diverge halfway through.

puhekieltä To separate, to tend into a different direction (from another line or path).

The sidewalk runs next to the street for a few miles, then diverges from it and turns north.

puhekieltä To become different, to separate (from another line or path).

The software is pretty good, except for a few cases where its behavior diverges from user expectations.

puhekieltä Not to converge: to have no limit, or no finite limit.

The sequence x_n = n^2 diverges to infinity: that is, it increases without bound.

(inflection of)
(es-verb form of)


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image, bridge, sitoumusbridge, college, beige

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