

  1. aerosoli, aerosolipakkaus, aerosolitölkki, aerosolipullo, spraypurkki, sumutin, suihke, suihkutin, suutin, kontti, säiliö, annostelija, jakelulaite, inhalaattori, roll-on.

Lisää synonyymejää



jakelulaite, annostelija

jakaja Something or someone that dispenses things.
(quote-journal)|date=30 October 2014|passage=While we know – because the script tells us so – that the people we are watching are in love and in pain and in trouble, they never come across as more than dispensers of sparkling aperçus.
An object used to dispense other items.

a toilet-paper dispenser

A person who makes up prescriptions, such as an optician or pharmacist.
puhekieltä to excuse, exempt (de from)
puhekieltä to dispense, give out, radiate
puhekieltä to distribute, dispense
puhekieltä to avoid, refrain (de from)
(inflection of)


dispenser rimmaa näiden kanssa:

laser, suurteholaser, košer, besserwisser

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