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  1. puolueeton, reilu, epäitsekäs.

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epäitsekäs Having no stake or interest in the outcome; free of bias, impartial. (defdate)
1791, (w), Life of Samuel Johnson:

Sir, you have a right to that kind of respect, and are arguing for yourself. I am supporting the principle, and am disinterested in doing it, as I have no such right.
1919, (w), w:The Moon and Sixpence|The Moon and Sixpence, s:The Moon and Sixpence/Chapter I|ch. 1:
With his disinterested passion for art, he had a real desire to call the attention of the wise to a talent which was in the highest degree original; ...
2011, (w), The Better Angels of Our Nature, Penguin 2012, p. 220:
People are better off abjuring violence, if everyone else agrees to do so, and vesting authority in a disinterested third party.
(quote-journal) (Review)|location=London|date=12 April 2014|page=R10|passage=Philosophers of the time early 20th century were primarily concerned with epistemology and the foundations of the sciences; they often spoke as if we were separated from the real world by a screen of "representations" or "sense-data"; they tended to regard our approach to the world as one of disinterested observation.
uninterested Uninterested, lacking interest. (defdate)
1684, Contempl. State of Man I. x
How dis-interested are they in all Worldly matters, since they fling their Wealth and Riches into the Sea.
1936, (w), Nightwood, Faber & Faber 2007, p. 43:
Robin took to wandering again, to intermittent travel from which she came back hours, days later, disinterested.
1967, Tommy Frazer, The Sun (Baltimore), "A 'Doctor' Of Karate", March 27
Those spotted are usually taught so slowly that they grow disinterested and quit.


disinterested rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tweed, lied, LED

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