


  1. alennus

Liittyvät sanat: discount rate



  1. pienentäminen, supistaminen, vähentäminen, alentaminen, vähennys, alennuksen antaminen, hintojen alentaminen, avustus, määräraha, oikaisu, tarkistus, alennus, palautus, takaisinmaksu, ostohyvitys, hinnanalennus, hyvitys, vuokran hyvitys.

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alennuksen antaminen



jättää huomiotta To deduct from an account, debt, charge, and the like.

Merchants sometimes discount five or six per cent for prompt payment of bills.

To lend money upon, deducting the discount or allowance for interest


Discount only unexceptionable paper.
To take into consideration beforehand; to anticipate and form conclusions concerning (an event).
To leave out of account; to take no notice of.
Sir William Hamilton
Of the three opinions, (I discount Brown's), under this head, one supposes that the law of Causality is a positive affirmation, and a primary fact of thought, incapable of all further analysis.

They discounted his comments.

To lend, or make a practice of lending, money, abating the discount
A reduction in price.

This store offers discounts on all its wares. That store specializes in discount wares, too.

A deduction made for interest, in advancing money upon, or purchasing, a bill or note not due; payment in advance of interest upon money.
The rate of interest charged in discounting.
puhekieltä Specializing in selling goods at reduced prices.

If youre looking for cheap clothes, there's a discount clothier around the corner.''

discount store


discount rimmaa näiden kanssa:

croissant, management, understatement, establishment, vol-au-vent

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