

  1. diapiiri, doomi, geologinen muodostuma, muodostuma.

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doomi, diapiiri puhekieltä An intrusion of a ductile rock into an overburden.
1989, Nigel Henbest, " Geologists hit back at impact theory of extinctions", New Scientist, 29 April 1989:

"If a diapir is outside an established plume it rises at a much slower rate," Loper says.
1994, Peter Olson, "Mechanics of Flood Basalt Magmatism", in Magmatic Systems (ed. Michael P. Ryan), Academic Press (1994), ISBN 0126050708, page 12:
This final stage is characterized by the cooling and resolidification of the partially molten diapir within the mantle, slow subsidence at the surface, and greatly diminished rates of crustal addition.
2004, (w), The Earth: An Intimate History, HarperCollins (2010), ISBN 9780007373338, unnumbered page:
Deeply buried deposits of sea-salt dome upwards and pass through the overlying strata, as a kind of intrusive lobe, eventually emerging at the surface – the rising tongue is called a diapir.


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mohair, kašmir, geisir, geysir

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