

  1. meri

Liittyvät sanat: detalji, detaljipiirustus, detaljitieto, detektori, determinismi, deterministinen.


englanti puhekieltä determinant function
puhekieltä the (used before an adjective preceding a noun)

huset - the house; det gule hus - the yellow house

puhekieltä that
puhekieltä it
puhekieltä (alternative form of)

Gibste mir ma’ det Wasser?

Could you pass me the water?

Det weeß ik nich.''

I don't know that.

puhekieltä (contraction of)|lang=ga


(inflection of)
(jbo-rafsi of)
it; third person singular, neuter gender. Nominative, accusative or dative.

er det det det er - is that what it is

(qualifier) that
the; only used if there is an adjective in front of the noun

huset: the house → det røde huset: the red house

it; third person singular, neuter gender

Dei bur i det kvite huset der borte.

They live in the white house over there.

puhekieltä finger
it It; third-person singular, referring to nouns of neuter gender. Nominative, accusative or dative
it; the impersonal pronoun, used without referent as the subject of an impersonal verb or statement

Det regnar.

It is raining.

it; the impersonal pronoun, used as a placeholder for a delayed subject or object

Jag visste det!

I knew it!

the; only used if there is an adjective in front of the noun.

huset: the house → det röda huset: the red house

right (all senses?)


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