

  1. tuhota, turmella, tärvellä, raiskata, hävittää, riistää, ryövätä, ottaa valtaansa, vallata, kyniä, rosvota, ryöstää, varastaa, anastaa.

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rosvota puhekieltä To deprive for spoil; to take spoil from; to plunder; to rob; to pillage.

a law which restored to them an immense domain of which they had been despoiled
2010, The Economist, 17 July, p.53:
To dreamers in the West, Tibet is a Shangri-La despoiled by Chinese ruthlessness and rapacity.
puhekieltä To violently strip (someone), with indirect object of their possessions etc.; to rob.
1614, (w), History of the World:
The Earl of March, following the plain path which his father had trodden out, despoiled Henry the father, and Edward the son, both of their lives and kingdom.
1667, (w), Paradise Lost, Book 9, 410-11:
To intercept thy way, or send thee back / Despoiled of innocence, of faith, of bliss.
1849, w:Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1st Baron Macaulay|Thomas Macaulay, History of England, Ch.20:
A law which restored to them an immense domain of which they had been despoiled.
puhekieltä To strip (someone) of their clothes; to undress.
(RQ:Mlry MrtDrthr):
So syr Persants doughter dyd as her fader bad her / and soo she wente vnto syr Beaumayns bed / & pryuely she dispoylled her / & leid her doune by hym / & thenne he awoke & sawe her & asked her what she was
puhekieltä plunder Plunder; spoliation.


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