
Tarkoititko: desantti

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englanti puhekieltä A secret; secrecy.
puhekieltä A secret place; hiding.
puhekieltä An obscure language.
puhekieltä darkness Darkness; obscurity.
puhekieltä hidden Hidden; secret; private.
Dr. H. More, Immortal, of the Soul
Now with their backs to the den's mouth they sit, / Yet shoulder not all light from the dern pit.
J. R. Drake, Culprit Fay
Through dreary beds of tangled fern, / Through groves of nightshade dark and dern.
puhekieltä To hide; secrete, as in a hole.
H. Miller
He at length escaped them by derning himself in a fox-earth.
puhekieltä To hide oneself; skulk.
T. Hudson
But look how soon they heard of Holoferne / Their courage quail'd, and they began to derne.
puhekieltä A gatepost or doorpost.
Charles Kingsley, Westward Ho!, Ch. XIV, How Salvation Yeo Slew the King of the Gubbings
So I just put my eye between the wall and the dern of the gate, and I saw him come up to the back door (..)
(inflection of)


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