

  1. ovi


englanti puhekieltä hurt Hurt; harm; injury.

She did him dere.

puhekieltä To hurt; harm; injure; wound.
c.1390, Geoffrey Chaucer, ‘The Squire's Tale’, Canterbury Tales:
And of Achilles with his queynte spere, / For he koude with it bothe heele and dere(nb..).
(RQ:Mlry MrtDrthr):
Thenne herd he a voyse say / Galahad I see there enuyronne aboute the so many angels that my power may not dere the /
puhekieltä To annoy, trouble, grieve.
(nonstandard spelling of)
(nl-verb form of)
puhekieltä you (2nd person plural subject pronoun)
puhekieltä (inflection of)


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