
Tarkoititko: depis

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englanti väärinkirjoitettu muoto
puhekieltä to remove the trousers from someone, often by force or surprise.
1954, Edith Pope, River in the Wind, Scribner, page 100:
"'First off we depants's you. Then we take and bounce you. You'll be pulling oyster shells out of your backside—''''
1998, Bruce Clayton, Praying for Base Hits: An American Boyhood, University of Missouri Press, ISBN 0826211895, page 195:
"For moronic fun we liked to sneak up behind a buddy and depants him, particularly if he was trying to sweet-talk a young college-bound girl."
2004, Vicki Lewis Thompson, The Nerd Who Loved Me, St. Martin's Press, ISBN 0312998562, page 72:
"Harry had been about eight when three burly high school kids had followed him home, threatening to 'depants that little nerd.'"


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