


  1. tuomita, haukkua, parjata

  2. irtisanoa (sopimus)

Esimerkkejä denounce sanan käytöstä:

The product 'was denounced' as rubbish.

:Tuotetta 'haukuttiin' roskaksi.

Liittyvät sanat: denouncement



  1. tyrmätä, arvostella, kritisoida, repostella, moittia, informoida, tiedottaa, arvostella ankarasti, paasata, pauhata, vastustaa voimakkaasti, parjata, valittaa, antaa ilmi, kannella, kieliä, kavaltaa, juoruta, laulaa, laverrella, visertää, vasikoida, kantrata, ilmiantaa, sanoa irti, irtisanoa, tuomita, nuhdella, panna pataluhaksi, haukkua pataluhaksi, paheksua, sättiä, ilmaista, osoittaa.

Lisää synonyymejää




irtisanoa, sanoa irti


arvostella ankarasti puhekieltä To make known in a formal manner; to proclaim; to announce; to declare.
(RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), II.35:

Nero(..)sent his Satellites or officers toward him, to denounce the decree of his death to him(nb..).
(quote-book)|author=(w)|year=1667|passage=And full of peace, denouncing wrath to come
puhekieltä To criticize or speak out against (someone or something); to point out as deserving of reprehension, etc.; to openly accuse or condemn in a threatening manner; to invoke censure upon; to stigmatize; to blame.

to denounce someone as a swindler, or as a coward

2013 May 23, (w), " British Leader’s Liberal Turn Sets Off a Rebellion in His Party," New York Times (retrieved 29 May 2013):
Mr. Cameron had a respite Thursday from the negative chatter swirling around him when he appeared outside 10 Downing Street to denounce the murder a day before of a British soldier on a London street.
puhekieltä To make a formal or public accusation against; to inform against; to accuse.

to denounce a confederate in crime

to denounce someone to the authorities

puhekieltä To proclaim in a threatening manner; to threaten by some outward sign or expression; make a menace of.

to denounce war; to denounce punishment

puhekieltä To announce the termination of; especially a treaty or armistice.


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freelance, trance

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